[PhilPhys] Call for nominations for the Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2020

Jos Uffink jbuffink at umn.edu
Sun Oct 11 07:55:12 CEST 2020

Dear  all,

The Jury would like to issue a call for nominations for the 2020
Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize, which  is awarded  annually for the best
work in History and/or  Philosophy of Modern Physics, done by a student as
a requirement for a Masters Thesis.  The prize carries a  2000 euro
award. Nominations  for this Prize need to be submitted by a supervisor of
the nominee  before  November 15, 2020.
We would also like to issue a special encouragement for the nomination of
 candidates from underrepresented groups.

For more details I refer to the attached  stipulations.

(Recent  winners  of  the  HJMP include Grace Field,  Ruward Mulder, James
Read,  Neil Dewar and  Ben Feintzeig.)


The Jury,

Jos Uffink  (University of Minnesota)
Klaas Landsman  (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Christopher Lehner
Michiel  Seevinck
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