[PhilPhys] CfA, Foundational Problems of Global Structure in Semi-Classical Gravity (MCMP/LMU Munich, 21-23 July 2022)

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Sat Dec 18 02:56:19 CET 2021

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the
following event:

Global Structure in Semi-Classical Gravity

MCMP, LMU Munich

21-23 July 2022



Semi-classical gravity (SCG)---the coupling of the dynamics of quantum 
fields to the classical spacetime geometry of general relativity by way 
of the semi-classical Einstein field equation (SCEFE)---is the framework 
within which black hole thermodynamics is formulated.  As such, it is 
widely held to provide the most secure theoretical clues to a search for 
a theory of quantum gravity.  Considered in its own right, however, it 
already presents us with a plethora of foundational and conceptual 
problems that require investigation, even over and above the most famous 
one, Hawking's Information-Loss Paradox.

- In what sense is it legitimate to think of black holes as 
thermodynamical systems?
- What is the causal structure of an evaporating black hole spacetime, 
and its relation to causality conditions on quantum fields?
- What is black hole entropy?
- How does the Generalized Second Law ramify into the host of other 
problems of fundamental physical and philosophical import that the 
ordinary Second Law of thermodynamics does?
- What is the difference between geometry and matter?
- Are there singularities in the semi-classical regime, and does a form 
of cosmic censorship hold in it?
- What role do classical energy conditions and quantum energy 
inequalities play, and how do they relate to entropy and information?
- What is holography at the semi-classical level, and what role can or 
does it play there?
- What can the epistemology of a field of physics be, completely 
divorced from experimentation and observation?

This will be the first major conference to address foundational and 
philosophical issues associated with SCG, and to try to examine how they 
all bear on each other.  Invited physicists and philosophers have been 
chosen to represent different approaches to SCG and the many different 
kinds of conceptual questions it poses (quantum field theory on curved 
spacetime, emergent gravity, canonical gravity, holography, 
phenomenology, methodology, epistemology), in an attempt to foster a 
dialogue among the different fields.  Contributed talks from both 
physicists and philosophers will be chosen so as to complement the 
perspectives of the invited speakers.  Such a gathering will spur new, 
innovative approaches to the problem, as well as connecting and 
invigorating work on existing approaches. It will also provide young 
researchers with a comprehensive introduction to the state of the art of 
this central field of research, and established researchers with a 
comprehensive overview.

*Confirmed Speakers*

- Beatrice Bonga <https://hef.ru.nl/~bbonga/>
- Craig Callender <https://www.craigcallender.com/>
- Ted Jacobson 
- Eleni Kontou <https://www.york.ac.uk/maths/staff/eleni-kontou/>
- JB Manchak <https://www.lps.uci.edu/~jmanchak/>
- Marija Tomašević <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marija-Tomasevic>
- Chris Smeenk <https://publish.uwo.ca/~csmeenk2/>
- Bob Wald <https://physics.uchicago.edu/people/profile/robert-wald/>
- Chris Wüthrich <https://www.wuthrich.net/>

*Call for Abstracts*

We invite the submission of paper abstracts for the conference. 
Abstracts should include a title, a brief abstract (up to 200 words), 
and a full abstract (up to 1000 words), blinded for peer review.  They 
should be PDF files, submitted to the conference's EasyChair account 
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gssg22>.  The deadline for 
submission is 07 March 2022.  We will select 4 submissions for 
presentation at the conference.  Decisions will be sent to all 
applicants by 31 March 2022.

We plan to publish the proceedings of the conference as a special issue 
of a leading journal (e.g., /Universe/ or /Foundations of Physics/).

We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. 
Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome.  The 
conference will be organized and run under the MCMP's code of conduct 


Public-health conditions permitting, we will hold the conference 
in-person, with no video connections, although the talks and Q&A will be 
recorded (pending agreement by the speakers).  Please send registration 
requests by 26 June 2022 using the following form: 

The fees for the conference and dinner are as follows.

- Senior researchers with permanent positions (associate and full 
professors, etc.): conference fee EUR 40
- Junior researchers (assistant professors, post-docs, etc.): conference 
fee EUR 25
- Students (masters, doctoral, etc.): no conference fee
- Conference dinner (for everyone): EUR 30

*Dates and Deadines*

- Deadline for Submission: 07 March 2022
- Date of Notification: 31 March 2022
- Registration Deadline: 26 June 2022


- Erik Curiel 
- Juliusz Doboszewski 
- Cecilia Giavoni 


Gefördert teilweise durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) -- 
Projektnummer 312032894.  (Funded in part by the German Research 
Foundation (DFG) -- project number 312032894.)  Also supported by the 
Volkswagen Foundation funding for the Lichtenberg  Group for History and 
Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn 
<https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/>, under the 
direction of Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl.

Erik Curiel

Assistant Professor
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

BHI Research Fellow
Black Hole Initiative
Harvard University

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