[PhilPhys] Reminder: David Jackson (November 9 on Zoom) Lisbon Philosophy of Physics Seminars

Andrea Oldofredi andreaoldofredi88 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 20:04:45 CET 2022

Dear List Members,

On Wednesday November 9 David Jackosn (independent researcher and former
member of particle physics collaborations at CERN Geneva, SLAC California
and KEK Japan) will give a talk at the Lisbon Philosophy of Physics
Seminars titled "Generalised Local Extra Dimensions as a Basis for Unifying
Gravity with the Quantum World" (abstract below).

These events are organized in the context of the activities of the LanCog
Research Group <https://cful.letras.ulisboa.pt/lancog/> at the Centre of
Philosophy of the University of Lisbon, and they will focus on the
foundations of quantum and spacetime physics.

The meeting will be held on Zoom (17:00-19:00 CET). If you have not
registered yet, you can do so here

You can address any question to Andrea Oldofredi (
aoldofredi at letras.ulisboa.pt).

A broad class of theories augment the global 4-dimensional spacetime arena
to a higher-dimensional spacetime structure, aiming to account for
properties of matter as deriving from the properties of the extra spatial
dimensions. We motivate an alternative approach in which we begin with the
local structure of 4-dimensional spacetime and identify structures of
matter by augmenting the local form for a proper time interval. In
constructing the theory initially from the local level a framework for
amalgamating classical general relativity with quantum phenomena in the
extended spacetime is developed. Within this framework particle interaction
probabilities in the quantum field theory limit derive from local
degeneracies of the apparent matter content in the construction of the
extended spacetime geometry itself. A means of addressing the measurement
problem in the quantum mechanical non-relativistic limit, with gravity
playing a key role, is also identified. The nature of events recorded in
particle physics experiments, providing some of the initial motivation,
will be interpreted in this context.

Best regards,

Andrea Oldofredi

Dr. Andrea Oldofredi

Postdoc FCT

Internet Resources:

Mailing Address:
University of Lisbon
Centre of Philosophy
Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214, Lisbon
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