[PhilPhys] Hybrid Workshop "New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Quantum Physics" - May, 11 (15:00-19:30 CEST)

Antonio Vassallo antonio.vassallo1977 at gmail.com
Mon May 8 09:17:08 CEST 2023

(With apologies for cross-posting)

*Workshop Title*: "New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Quantum Physics"

*Date*: 11 May 2023, 15:00-19:30 CEST

*Format*: Hybrid (*to receive the Zoom link, please register *here

*Venue*: Warsaw University of Technology, main building, room 206

*Organizers*: Philosophy of Physics Group
(WAiNS PW) and Center for Advanced Studies
<https://csz.pw.edu.pl/index.php/cszeng> (PW)

*Contact*: antonio.vassallo at pw.edu.pl


15:00-15:15 Welcome address by the Dean of the Faculty of Administration
and Social Sciences PW

15:15-16:30 Davide Romano (University of Lisbon): "A decoherence-based
approach to the classical limit in Bohm’s theory"

16:30-17:45 Tomasz Bigaj (University of Warsaw): "On the identity and
persistence of quantum objects"

17:45-18:15 Coffee break

18:15-19:30 Antonio Vassallo (Warsaw University of Technology): "A Machian
framework for quantum physics"

20:00 Social dinner


*A decoherence-based approach to the classical limit in Bohm’s theory*

I present an account of the quantum-to-classical transition in Bohm’s
theory based on the following three steps: (i) the interaction with the
environment produces effectively factorized states, leading to the
formation of effective wave functions and hence decoherence; (ii) the
effective wave functions selected by the environment–the pointer states of
decoherence theory–will be well-localized wave packets, typically Gaussian
states; (iii) the quantum potential of a Gaussian state becomes negligible
under standard classicality conditions; therefore, the system will move
according to Newtonian mechanics in the correct classical limit. As a
result, a Bohmian system in interaction with the environment is described
by an effective Gaussian state and–when the system is macroscopic–it moves
approximately according to Newtonian mechanics.


*On the identity and persistence of quantum objects*

This talk will broadly evaluate the problem of the identity,
discernibility, individuality and persistence of quantum particles, taking
into account the ubiquitous symmetrization postulate with respect to the
states of same-type particles. Several interpretative options will be
considered, compared and contrasted, ranging from the total
indiscernibility and non-individuality of quantum objects to their
qualitative absolute discernibility. I will pay particular attention to the
problem of the reidentification of quantum objects over time, taking into
consideration a recent proposal by Philip Goyal of how to derive the
symmetrization postulate from some postulates regarding the transition
amplitudes for the systems of same-type particles.


*A Machian framework for quantum physics*

The talk presents an extension of the metaphysics of self-subsisting
structures to the realm of non-relativistic quantum physics. The discussion
is centered around a Pure Shape Dynamics model representing a relational
implementation of a De Broglie-Bohm N-body system. An interpretation of
this model in terms of self-subsisting structures is proposed and assessed
against the background of the debate on the metaphysics of quantum physics,
with a particular emphasis on the nature of the wave function. The analysis
shows that elaborating an appropriate Leibnizian/Machian metaphysics of the
quantum world requires a substantial revision of the notion of
world-building relation. [Based on joint work with Tim Koslowski and Pedro
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