[PhilPhys] Bonn History and Philosophy of Physics research seminar in the winter term 2023/24

Juliusz Doboszewski jdoboszewski at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 21:03:20 CEST 2023

Dear all,

[with apologies for cross-posting]

The Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the
University of Bonn [ https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/ ]
invites everyone to the Bonn History and Philosophy of Physics Research
Seminar. The schedule for the winter term includes the following speakers:


10 October, Dennis Lehmkuhl & Juliusz Doboszewski, organizational meeting
and HPP overview, format: in-person only

17 October, Michel Janssen (University of Minnesota): Drawing the line
between kinematics and dynamics in special relativity and in quantum
mechanics, format: hybrid

24 October, Alexander Reutlinger (Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy): Articulating Invariantism. Revisiting the Counterfactual
Independence Account of Scientific Objectivity, format: in-person only

31 October, José MM Senovilla (University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU),
title & format TBA

14 November, workshop on Oppenheimer, Heisenberg, and the birth of nuclear
weapons, format: TBA

21 November, Michael te Vrugt (DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
University of Cambridge), Coarse-graining in cosmology, format: hybrid

28 November, Antonis Antoniou (Lichtenberg group, University of Bonn), Laws
and Initial Conditions in Cosmology, format TBA

5 December, Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute
of Philosophy, Professor emeritus & Universität Zürich, Department of
Economics, Lecturer), How do abstract economic models explain?, format:

19 December, Nurida Boddenberg (Lichtenberg group, University of Bonn),
Operationalism = Realism, format: hybrid

9 January, Florian Boge (TU Dortmund), Deep Learning Robustness for
Scientific Discovery: The Case of Anomaly Detection in High Energy Physics
[Joint work with Michael Krämer, ThHEP, Aachen, & Christian Zeitnitz,
ExpHEP, Wuppertal], format: hybrid

16 January, Caspar Jacobs (Leiden University), A Philosophical Introduction
to Hidden Symmetries, format: hybrid

23 January, Jamie Shaw (Leibniz University Hannover), Funding People, not
Projects? A Critical Evaluation, format: TBA

30 January, speaker TBA


The seminar takes place on Tuesdays, 14:15-15:45 local Bonn time, in
seminar room 1.070 of the Institute of Philosophy (in the main university
building), also known as “the big seminar room”; everyone is always welcome
to join in person.

Many of our talks will be in hybrid format; in that case, joining us via
Zoom will be possible. Zoom links and weekly reminders will be announced
via hpp at listen.uni-bonn.de. Subscribing to this list is possible here:
https://listen.uni-bonn.de/wws/info/hpp .

The most up to date schedule and the abstracts can be found on:

all the best,
Juliusz Doboszewski
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