[PhilPhys] 2024 Quadrennial Fellows Conference Program

Center for Phil Sci center4philsci at gmail.com
Fri May 24 18:30:10 CEST 2024

> The Center for Philosophy of Science and the University of Miami proudly present the Ninth Quadrennial Fellows Conference, June 2 -June 4 in Lakeside Village at the University of Miami.
> Every four years the Center sponsors an international conference for current and former Center fellows, both visiting and resident. The objectives of these conferences are to renew old professional ties and friendships and to create new ones, as well as to promote academic cooperation and collaborative research among current and former Center fellows. 
> Learn more using this link: https://www.centerphilsci.pitt.edu/events-and-more/conferences/quad-fellows-conference/
> QUAD 2024 Conference Program: https://www.centerphilsci.pitt.edu/quad-conference-2024-schedule/ <https://www.centerphilsci.pitt.edu/quad-conference-2024-schedule/>

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