[PhilPhys] Reminder: 3rd History & Philosophy of Physics in the Netherlands workshop in Leiden

Caspar Jacobs casparjacobs at gmail.com
Tue May 28 11:00:00 CEST 2024

The third History & Philosophy of Physics in the Netherlands will take
place at Leiden University on the 25th of June. Please register your
attendance by the 11th of June at the link below.
The workshop will feature the following talks:

   1. Diana Taschetto (Utrecht): A Derivation of the Quantum Action
   2. F. A. Muller (Rotterdam/Utrecht): Six Measurement Problems of Quantum
   3. Marij van Strien (Nijmegen): When matter ceased to matter: The
   disappearance of the philosophical problem of matter from physics in the
   late nineteenth century
   4. Dennis Lehmkuhl (Bonn): Literal vs careful interpretations in History
   and Philosophy of Physics

Please register at the link below, where you can also find the schedule &
further information:
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