[PhilPhys] Fwd: Papers/school

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Thu Jun 20 08:27:00 CEST 2024

This may be of interest to some...

     -------- Forwarded Message --------
     Subject:        Papers/school
     Date:   Tue, 18 Jun 2024 16:08:01 +0000
     From:   Thomas Steingasser <tstngssr at mit.edu <mailto:tstngssr at mit.edu>>
     To: erik at strangebeautiful.com <mailto:erik at strangebeautiful.com>
     <erik at strangebeautiful.com <mailto:erik at strangebeautiful.com>>

     Hi Erik,

     Here is the webpage of the summer school I am co-organizing:


     It is primarily aimed at physics PhD students and postdocs, but I
     believe that it would also be very enjoyable for philosophers of
     given that they have basic knowledge of GR and QFT. Also, Split in
     September is lovely, we have managed to keep the whole thing very
     affordable and also managed to organize it while considering often
     neglected aspects of science like gender equity - our organizing
     committee is almost entirely female (except for myself) and we have a
     pretty good fraction of female speakers given the general gender
     distribution within the relevant field(s). Sooo please feel free to
     share it with your students and spread the word within your institutes!

     Best, Thomas

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