[PhilPhys] Asst Prof job at Cambridge HPS

Neil Dewar nad42 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 22 16:36:20 CEST 2024

Dear all (with apologies for cross-posting),

The History and Philosophy of Science Department at Cambridge are advertising for an Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science and Technology, with a particular interest in “candidates with expertise in the philosophy of the physical sciences, in the philosophy of technology, and/or on topics with relevance to current social issues.”

The job ad and further particulars can be viewed here: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/47824/.

Deadline is 15 October 2024, and start date is 1 September 2025; candidates are required to have completed their PhD before the start date.

Enquiries should be directed to Ms Francesca Anthony, Departmental Administrator, at administrator at hps.cam.ac.uk<mailto:administrator at hps.cam.ac.uk>.

All the best

Neil Dewar
University Associate Professor
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

Staff Fellow
Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge
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