[PhilPhys] EPSA09 (Amsterdam, 21-24 October 2009)

Miklos Redei redei at hps.elte.hu
Fri Sep 5 18:51:55 CEST 2008


2nd conference of the

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21-24 October 2009

Submission deadline: 15 January 2009


After its successful first conference in Madrid in November 2007, the 
second conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) 
will take place at VU University Amsterdam from 21-24 October 2009. We 
invite contributed papers and proposals for symposia.

The conference has eight sections:
1. General philosophy of science
2. Philosophy of the physical sciences
3. Philosophy of the life sciences
4. Philosophy of the cognitive sciences
5. Philosophy of the social sciences
6. Philosophy of the applied sciences
7. Formal philosophy of science
8. Historical, social and cultural studies of philosophy of science

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS: Please submit an extended abstract of 1000-1500 words. 
See  http://www.epsa09.org for instructions. The allocated time for 
delivering contributed papers at the conference will be 30 minutes, 
including discussion.

SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS: Please submit a full proposal. This includes a 
general description of the topic of the proposed symposium and its 
significance (up to 1500 words), a 500-word abstract of each paper, and 
short CVs of all participants (up to 500 words each). See 
http://www.epsa09.org for further instructions. Accepted symposia will be 
allocated 150 minutes.

All submissions have to be made electronically through the webpage of the 
conference (http://www.epsa09.org).

15 January 2009: Submission deadline (contributed papers and symposia)
1 April 2009: Notification of acceptance
1 June 2009 : Early registration deadline
21-24 October 2009: Conference

Miklos Redei

Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton street
London WC2A 2AE
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