[PhilPhys] CFP: Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation

Center for Philosophy pittcntr at pitt.edu
Thu Jan 21 22:57:43 CET 2010

Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to Philosophy of 
Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
October 15-16, 2010

Call for Papers

This workshop will explore research in philosophy of scientific 
experimentation that challenges dominant views in contemporary philosophy of 
science. It will focus on the philosophical analysis of the design, 
structure, calibration, use and the readings of experimental apparatus, as 
well as broader experimental conditions. Some of the central philosophical 
issues to consider in light of such analysis are the nature of scientific 
theory, the role of evidence, and the structure of explanations and 
understanding of natural phenomena.

Keynote speakers:
Allan Franklin, University of Colorado
Marcel Weber, University of Konstanz

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1000 words) of papers of 
approximately 30 minutes presentation time.  Please include your name, the 
title of the paper, your academic affiliation and your e-mail address in the 
submission.  The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2010. Please direct 
your submissions to https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=philexp1.  The 
decisions will be announced by July 15, 2010.

Accommodation will be provided for speakers.

Organizing Committee: Slobodan Perovic (Chair), Allan Franklin, John D. 
Norton, Wendy Parker, Marcel Weber.

Questions can be directed to Slobodan Perovic, sperovic at pitt.edu, or Karen 
Kovalchick, rubus at pitt.edu.

For updates, visit: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr 

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