[PhilPhys] Caslav Brukner at the LKB seminar, 18/3 at 16:00

GRINBAUM Alexei Alexei.Grinbaum at cea.fr
Thu Mar 11 15:37:31 CET 2021


[cid:5633F171-6180-474C-9651-00DB26D75B0F at lkb.upmc.fr]

Les Ateliers du Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Jeudi 18 mars 2021–16h
Caslav Brukner (University of Vienna)
“On the persistent reality of the observer’s perception"

The discussion about the quantum mechanical thought experiment “Wigner’s friend” has recently gained renewed intensity. The original thought experiment involved the “observation of an observer”, in which the friend not only observes a physical system, but is simultaneously the object of another observation by Wigner. Recent theoretical results and experimental tests of extended Wigner-friend scenarios suggest that treating observational knowledge of other agents as if it were one’s own can be problematic in quantum mechanics. In short, “facts are only relative to observers”. In my talk, I will review these findings before arguing that a single agent’s knowledge over time can have even more counterintuitive consequences: when making predictions about one’s observations at two different points in time, it may be untenable in quantum mechanics to treat a single agent’s knowledge acquired in the past as if it were still present.

Le thé sera servi chez vous..

Connection details :
Meeting ID: 623 9708 8979
Passcode: 498545

Les Ateliers du Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, se veulent être un lieu de rencontre et de débat entre physiciens, philosophes et historiens des sciences.
 Questions d’épistémologie, études des pratiques de recherche, fondements des théories physiques : venez partager toutes vos interrogations sur ces trois thèmes et échanger autour d'un thé.
Nancy, pour l’équipe des Ateliers

Nancy Paul
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
(+33) 01 44 27 73 67
nancy.paul at lkb.upmc.fr<mailto:nancy.paul at lkb.upmc.fr>
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