[MaFLa] Andrew Huddleston előadása

Akos Sivado akos.sivado at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 15:34:24 CET 2015

Kedves Kollégák!

Az MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézetének Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia
2015. november 9-én 16 órai kezdettel szeretettel meghívja Önöket

Dr. Andrew Huddleston (Birkbeck College, University of London): "Nietzsche
on the Health of the Soul"

című előadására.
Az előadás helyszíne: 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30., Pepita terem.

Az előadás absztraktja:

Health (particularly of the soul [*Seele*]) is a central concept in
Nietzsche’s work. Yet in the most philosophically-sophisticated secondary
literature on Nietzsche, there has been fairly little sustained treatment
of just what Nietzschean health consists in. In this paper, I aim to
provide an account of some of the central marks of this psychic health:
resilience, discipline, vitality, a certain positive condition of the will
to power, a certain tendency toward integration, and so on. This exposition
and discussion will be the main task of the paper. Then in the concluding
section of the paper, I consider a line taken in some related secondary
literature, which would suggest that health might ultimately be understood
in formal or dynamic terms, relating to one’s will to power and/or the
unity of one’s drives. I will present the beginnings of an argument against
such an account of health. In focusing on the formal and dynamic side
exclusively, it cannot get the full story. In particular, it seems to me to
miss the normative dimension that is essential if we are to understand
health properly. As I shall suggest, the core concept of Nietzschean health
is not fully explicable except by reference to normative terms.

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