[PhilPhys] Research Position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Sonja Smets sonsmets at vub.ac.be
Fri Sep 21 18:43:00 CEST 2007

** Research Position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel **

The Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Vrije
Universiteit Brussel invites applications for a fully-funded 4 year
PhD research position, or a 80%-funded 4 year post-doctoral research
position, to begin January 2008 or soon after.

This research position is attached to the G.0152.08-project on
"Reasoning about quantum information: a modal logic perspective on the
foundations of quantum mechanics and its philosophical implications",
funded by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research in Belgium. The
project proposes (1) the investigation of the qualitative and semantic
aspects of quantum information and (2) research on the use of modal
operators in the logical foundations of quantum mechanics. The project
connects to the work of Dr. S. Smets on dynamic quantum logic (see

The principal investigators on this project are Dr. Sonja Smets and
Prof. Dr. Jean Paul Van Bendegem. The successful applicant will be
expected to fully engage in the research on this project. Applications
are welcome from applicants who have a strong interest in modal logics
and/or applications of formal methods in philosophy of physics and/or
logics for reasoning about quantum information and computation. Fluent
English is a prerequisite.

Candidates for the PhD position hold a masters degree in Philosophy,
Computer Science, Mathematics or any related area that connects to
logic. The successful candidate is expected to enroll as a PhD student
at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.  The net monthly salary (after tax)
ranges from +/- 1530 euro in the first year to  +/- 1600 euro in the
fourth year.

Candidates for the Post-doc position hold a PhD degree in any area
that connects to logic. The net monthly salary (after tax) for a
Post-doctoral researcher on this project is approximately 1600 euro.

We invite applications by email: include a curriculum vitae with
accompanying letter of interest, the names and contact details of two
referees and a sample of written academic work.  Applicants for the
PhD position should include a list of courses taken (including

Applications should be sent by the 1st of December 2007 to Dr. Sonja
Smets (sonsmets at vub.ac.be).

For further information, please contact Dr Sonja Smets at sonsmets at vub.ac.be

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