[PhilPhys] Programme: Models and Simulations 2 (Tilburg, NL, 11-13 October 2007)

R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk
Fri Sep 21 19:57:49 CEST 2007


Three-day conference at the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of
11-13 October 2007



Computer simulations play an important role in many scientific contexts,
and they are often based on a particular model of the phenomenon under
investigation. This raises questions both about the nature and
methodology of simulations themselves, as well as their relations to
models. These issues have recently attracted some attention, and were
also discussed at the 'Models and Simulations' 
conference in Paris in June 2006. The aim of the present conference is
both to provide a forum to continue ongoing debates and to try to
slightly shift the focus of attention. So far case studies played an
important role in the debates over models and simulations and a lot has
been learned from them. We are now also interested in theoretical
approaches that attempt to rationalize these cases and help furthering
our philosophical understanding of how models and simulations explain,
how they are confirmed, how they relate to theories and other models,
and how they represent.

Ronald Giere (University of Minnesota)
Margaret Morrison (University of Toronto)
Stathis Psillos (University of Athens) 
Paul Teller (UC Davis)

Roman Frigg (LSE)
Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg)
Cyrille Imbert (IHPST/Paris I)

The program of the conference is now online. Please visit 


The registration deadline is 1 October.

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