[PhilPhys] CfP: Reduction, Emergence, and Essence (final week)

John Keck jkeck at isnature.org
Mon Feb 23 20:45:18 CET 2009

Reduction, Emergence, and Essence

June 19-20, 2009, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.


Immediately following the four days of study at the Summer Seminar, the
ISN will hold its third annual conference for the benefit of the Summer
Fellows and interested scholars. 

You can download a printable post of this information here (PDF)
<http://isnature.org/Events/2009/Summer/Conference2009Poster.pdf> .

WHAT: A one and one-half day academic conference with one or two keynote
addresses, and the presentation of academic papers. This year's
conference will center on scientific and philosophical strategies for
understanding the natural world. Papers are welcome on topics ranging
from anti-reductionism/holism in science to self-organization, systems
theory, and complexity, to papers in natural philosophy in the
neo-Aristotelian or phenomenological traditions. To get a sense of the
range of relevant topics, see the ISN "articles, essays, and books
<http://www.isnature.org/articles.htm> " page, as well as the conference
schedules for 2008
<http://isnature.org/Events/2008/Summer/ConfSched.htm>  and 2007
<http://isnature.org/Events/2007/Summer/ConfSched.htm> . 

WHO: Scholars interested in giving papers are welcome to submit their
proposals along with a CV by Monday, March 2nd. Please let us know if
you would like your paper considered for selection as an hour-long
keynote address (normal papers are 30 mins). All presenters will have
their lodging paid for, Conference fee waived, and travel expenses
reimbursed-fully for keynote speakers and for travel from within the
U.S., and half for travel from without. The keynote speaker or speakers
will be announced by April 6th. Any interested scholar may attend, but
please notify us by May 15th that you plan to come. 

Summer Fellows from the immediately preceding Summer Seminar are
expected to remain to participate in this conference, which has been
specially scheduled for them. Please consider nominating your own
students for our Summer Fellowship Program
<http://isnature.org/Events/2009/Summer/Seminar.htm> , particularly if
they might qualify for one of our competitive Honor Scholarships.

WHEN: The Summer Conference begins on Friday afternoon, June 19th, at
3:30pm, and ends on Saturday evening. A block of hotel rooms will be
reserved at a special Conference rate, and those whose papers are
accepted will have their lodging paid for. Further scheduling
information will be posted on the ISN website: www.isnature.org
<http://www.isnature.org/> . 

WHERE: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Limited information about travel and other logistics is
available on the conference logistics
<http://isnature.org/Events/2009/Summer/Logistics.htm>  page. More
specific information will be sent to those who let us know they are

HOW: Please contact ISN Director John Keck by May 15th if you plan to
attend. The $50 fee for the Summer Conference includes the conference
banquet on Saturday evening. The fee can be reduced or waived on a
showing of need. Attendees not presenting are expected to cover their
own travel expenses, but exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Paper proposals and accompanying CVs must be received by Monday,
March 2nd, 2009; decisions will be announced by Tuesday, March 31st.
Electronic submission is strongly encouraged.



John W. Keck, Ph.D.

Director & Fellow

Institute for the Study of Nature


ph: 603-557-2415



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