[PhilPhys] This week's phil physics seminar

Chris Timpson christopher.timpson at bnc.ox.ac.uk
Tue Feb 24 08:43:05 CET 2009

Dear All,


This week, Katherine Brading (Notre Dame) will be talking on


"Structural realism and the objects of physics"




 Ladyman and French have argued for ontic structural realism using an
argument that begins from an alleged "metaphysical underdetermination"
facing object-oriented realism. Current discussions have focussed on
challenging this underdetermination in the context of specific theories in
physics. I will discuss whether or not the argument succeeds even if the
underdetermination is granted. I think that it fails, and I will talk about
why this is. There is a positive outcome for structural realists, however,
because the resources that the ontic structural realist employs when
developing the argument from metaphysical underdetermination can be
re-deployed to create a more promising strategy. 


In discussing why the argument fails, I will talk about an approach to the
objects of physics that is independent of discussions of individuality, and
this will give me an excuse for a diversion through some Newton, and maybe
even Descartes, time permitting. 


The draft papers that I will draw on for my talk can be found at
http://www.nd.edu/~kbrading/Research/research.html: the structural realism
stuff is in the joint paper with Alex Skiles, and the Descartes/Newton stuff
is in 'Newton's law-constitutive approach to bodies: a response to


Thursday 16:30, Lecture Room, 10 Merton St.


Best wishes,

Chris Timpson

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