[PhilPhys] Relativity Theory - Second Call For Papers

Laszlo Szekely sz_l at ludens.elte.hu
Thu Apr 16 01:40:21 CEST 2009

SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS. (Apologies for cross-postings. We would be grateful 
if you could circulate this second call for papers and conference brochure 
to interested colleagues and postgraduate students. Thanks!

Dear Colleagues,

The organizers cordially invite you to participate in the second 
international conference Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy in the 
Interpretations of Relativity Theory which will take place in Budapest, 
Hungary,  on 4-6 September 2009.

Suggested themes include:

Cosmology, Gravitation and Space-Time Structure.
Cosmological Theories and New Experimental Data.
Problems of Quantum-Gravitation.
Relation of Relativity Theory to Quantum Mechanics.
Paradoxes in Relativity Theory and in its Applications.
Connections Between Relativity Theory and Logic.
Logical Foundation and Logical Analysis of Relativity Theories.
Time-Travel, Black Holes, Worm-Holes, Backward Causation.
The Problem of Physical Vacuum as an **Ether** in the Einsteinian Sense.
**Mathematical** and **Physical** (Einsteinian versus Lorentzian) Relativity.
  Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Relativity Theory.
Relativity Theory in the Context of Hermeneutics of Science.
Relativistic Hypercomputing.

This is not an exhaustive list, and colleagues wishing to submit papers 
dealing with different subjects should send an outline of their proposed 
presentation to the organizers of the conference.

The organizing committee equally waits for contributions by mathematicians, 
physicists and philosophers and hopes that the conference will give 
opportunity for the collaboration among mathematicians, physicists and 
philosophers interested in the topic, as well as to establish communication 
among researchers of the region and those of other parts of the world 
working in this fields and to promote understanding between different 
schools of thought engaged in studying Relativity. We also encourage the 
participation of young researchers and PhD students.

The conference coordinator is Laszlo Szekely
Postal Address:  Institute for Philosophical Research,
P.O. Box 594, Budapest-62, Hungary, 1398
E-mail:      Sz_L at ludens.elte.hu

The address of the conference website:

Please visit this site where you can find all the relevant information 
(including the conference brochure which is also enclosed to this message).

If you need more information do not hesitate to contact us

Yours sincerely,

Laszlo Szekely and Laszlo Ropolyi
the Hungarian organizers
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