[PhilPhys] CFP: Emergence and Reduction in the Sciences

Center for Philosophy pittcntr+ at pitt.edu
Wed May 20 21:28:33 CEST 2009

Call for Papers

Emergence and Reduction in the Sciences
Second Pittsburgh-Paris Workshop

Center for Philosophy of Science and Department of History and Philosophy of 
Science, University of Pittsburgh
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris

Friday, December 11- Saturday, December 12, 2009 (possibly extending to 
morning, Sunday, December 13) at the Center for Philosophy of Science, 
University of Pittsburgh

The workshop will consist of invited talks from the Pittsburgh-Paris 
community and a small number of contributed papers of speakers responding to 
this call.

The theme of the conference, emergence and reduction in the sciences, 
reflects the interest that these dual notions continue to attract in 
philosophy of science, most notably in philosophy of physics, of biology and 
of cognitive science. The organizers invite papers that address these dual 
notions in any science. Papers that connect the notions in several sciences 
are encouraged.

Contributors are asked to send:
Paper title, abstract (500 words) and a short CV in a single pdf file to the 
EasyChair conference page at


by the submission deadline. (If you are not already a registered user of 
www.easychair.org, you will need to create a free account as part of the 
submission process.)

For general inquiries, cweber23 at pitt.edu

Deadline for submission: August 15
Notification of acceptance: September 15

Supplementary funding may be available to provide partial support for 
speakers contributing papers.

Invited speakers:

Jacques Dubucs, Philippe Huneman; IHPST, Paris
Peter Machamer, Sandra Mitchell, Kenneth Schaffner; HPS, Pittsburgh
Michael Silberstein, Philosophy, Elizabethtown College
Jessica Wilson, Philosophy, University of Toronto

For updates, visit the Center Web site:  www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr


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