[PhilPhys] CfR: Foundations of Observational, Classical and Semi-Classical Gravitational Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature (MCMP/LMU Munich, 28-31 March 2023)

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Fri Feb 17 17:20:39 CET 2023


The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites registration for 
the following event:

Foundations of Observational, Classical and Semi-Classical Gravitational 
Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature

MCMP, LMU Munich

28-31 March 2023


*Idea and Motivation*

The conference of "Foundations of Gravitational Physics and The Problem 
of Agency and Laws of Nature" will address various topics in theoretical 
physics and foundations of physics, focusing on gravitational physics 
and on agency and physical laws.  Invited physicists and philosophers 
have been chosen to represent different approaches to such topics 
(semi-classical gravity, holography, quantum gravity theories, 
foundations of physics) and to discuss different kinds of issues 
(locality, the nature of black hole entropy, approaches to the 
Information-Loss Paradox, the emergence of classicality in approaches to 
QG, quantum reference frames, epistemology and methodology of theory and 
of observation, ontology, inter alia), in an attempt to foster a 
dialogue among the different fields.  Contributed talks from theoretical 
physicists, observational astronomers and philosophers will be chosen in 
part so as to complement the perspectives of the invited speakers.  Such 
a gathering will spur new, innovative approaches to the above mentioned 
problems, as well as connecting and invigorating work on existing 
approaches. It will also provide young researchers with a comprehensive 
introduction to the state of the art of the various central fields of 
research, and established researchers with a comprehensive overview.


*Confirmed Speakers

Ana Alonso Serrano, <https://www.aei.mpg.de/305032/ana-alonso-serrano>
Goncalo Araujo-Regado <https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/person/ga365>
Ali Barzegar 
Jibril Ben Achour 
Časlav Brukner <https://www.iqoqi-vienna.at/people/staff/caslav-brukner>
Eugenia Colafranceschi 
Gemma De las Quevas <https://www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/staff/de-las-cuevas/>
Shep Doeleman <https://astronomy.fas.harvard.edu/people/shep-doeleman>
John Dougherty 
Jamee Elder <https://bhi.fas.harvard.edu/people/jamee-elder>
Felix Finster 
Henrique Gomes 
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette 
Vincent Lam 
Niels Martens <https://martensniels.wordpress.com/>
Prahar Mitra <https://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/person/pm729>
Siddharth Muthukrishnan 
Ramesh Narayan <https://astronomy.fas.harvard.edu/people/ramesh-narayan>
Daniele Pranzetti <https://inspirehep.net/authors/1052680>
Renato Renner 
Marika Taylor 
Jos Uffink <https://cla.umn.edu/about/directory/profile/jbuffink>


*Registration and venue*

The conference will be held in person at LMU Munich, 
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, room (D) Z003, 80539 München
Please send registration requests by 15 March 2023 using the following 

There are no fees for the conference as well for the conference dinners.

*Dates and Deadlines*

Registration Deadline: 15 March 2023
Conference dinners will take place on Tuesday, the 28th of March and 
Thursday, the 30th of March.


Erik Curiel 
Daniele Oriti 
Manus Visser <https://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/person/mv551>
Aron Wall <https://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/hep/person/aw846>

For information about practical matters and registration, please contact 
one of the organisers.

Erik Curiel

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

Distinguished Scholar
Black Hole Initiative
Harvard University

Principal Investigator
Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime Consortium
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