First quarter 2023 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jan 9 16:54:41 CET 2023
Ending: Thu Mar 30 21:03:59 CEST 2023
Messages: 36
- [PhilPhys] *Update Programme*: Relational Clocks, Decoherence, and the Arrow of Time (University of Bristol, 11th Feb 2023)
Karim Thebault
- [PhilPhys] Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences, 9th-10th February 2023, Buenos Aires
Balazs Gyenis
- [PhilPhys] CFA: Workshop on Mathematics in Physics, University of Oslo
Karen Crowther
- [PhilPhys] CFA: Workshop on Mathematics in Physics, University of Oslo
Karen Crowther
- [PhilPhys] CFP: XXVI Urbino Summer School in Philosophy of Physics - Philosophy of Dark Matter - University of Urbino
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] PostDoc: History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard
Niels Martens
- [PhilPhys] CFR: Quantum Gravity With(out) Experiments? - 10/03 - Urbino&Online
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] Reduction and inter-theoretical relationships in the sciences, 9th-10th February 2023, Buenos Aires
Balazs Gyenis
- [PhilPhys] Junior fellowship in philosophy of quantum gravity and cosmology at UIC
Christian Wuthrich
- [PhilPhys] Friday 17 February - Physics meets Philosophy - Hybrid talk by Valeriya Chasova
Valeriya Chasova
- [PhilPhys] CFP: XXVI Urbino Summer School in Philosophy of Physics - Philosophy of Dark Matter - University of Urbino
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] STEM, social science & humanities scholars making black hole videos together. Join the ngEHT collaboration.
Niels Martens
- [PhilPhys] Fwd: [qiss] World Quantum Day 2023: join the global celebration!
Erik Curiel
- [PhilPhys] 2nd CFP - Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics
vpetkov at
- [PhilPhys] CfR: Foundations of Observational, Classical and Semi-Classical Gravitational Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature (MCMP/LMU Munich, 28-31 March 2023)
Erik Curiel
- [PhilPhys] The Quantum Reconstruction Program and Beyond (1–3 Aug 2023, Graz)—Call for Papers
Philip Goyal
- [PhilPhys] Philipp Berghofer 2/21 and Derek Angus 2/24
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] The Center for Philosophy of Science Pittsburgh Summer Program Opportunity
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] CFP: Foundations of Physics 2023 (8-10 July 2023, Bristol)
Karim Thebault
- [PhilPhys] Please post next weeks Lunch Time Talks -at The Center for Philosophy of Science
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] CFP: XXVI Urbino Summer School in Philosophy of Physics - Philosophy of Dark Matter - University of Urbino
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] CFR: Quantum Gravity With(out) Experiments? - 10/03 - Urbino&Online
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] Lunch Time Talks Woodward 3/14 and Dasgupta 3/17
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Call for Abstracts -- International Conference "Open Topics in Philosophy of Physics"
Davide Romano
- [PhilPhys] Lunch Time Talk tomorrow and Annual Lecture Series presentation on March 24th
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Lecturer in Philosophy of Physics (10 Months Fixed Term)
Karim Thebault
- [PhilPhys] LAST CFP: XXVI Urbino Summer School in Philosophy of Physics - Philosophy of Dark Matter - University of Urbino
Enrico Cinti
- [PhilPhys] Summer Archival Fellowship - The Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Lunch Talk 3/17 - D. Dasgupta and other events
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Lunch Talk 3/21 - Eleanor Knox and Annual Lecture Series - 3/24 - Holly Andersen
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] This Friday Annual Lecture Series - Holly Andersen 3/24
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] This Friday Annual Lecture Series - Holly Andersen 3/24
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] This Friday Annual Lecture Series - Holly Andersen 3/24
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Workshop registration: history & philosophy of the gravitational constant
Niels Martens
- [PhilPhys] Lunch Time Talk - Tomorrow 3/31 - Adam Koberinski
Chantel Snodgrass
- [PhilPhys] Reminder: CFP: Information-Theoretic Concepts in Physics
Michael Cuffaro
Last message date:
Thu Mar 30 21:03:59 CEST 2023
Archived on: Thu Mar 30 21:04:08 CEST 2023
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