[PhilPhys] CFP: Foundations of Physics 2023 (8-10 July 2023, Bristol)
Karim Thebault
karim.thebault at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Feb 21 14:37:05 CET 2023
Foundations 2023
The 21st European Conference on Foundations of Physics
8-10 July 2023, Bristol
Conference Announcement
The 21st European Conference on Foundations of Physics will take place on the Clifton Campus of the University of Bristol from the 8th to the 10th July 2023. This conference brings together philosophers of physics and physicists to discuss foundational and philosophical issues in physics in the tradition of the highly successful editions at Paris (2021), Utrecht (2018), London (2016) and Munich (2013). Contributed talks, symposia and keynote lectures will cover various foundational and philosophical aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, classical and quantum theories of gravity, thermal and statistical physics, astrophysics, cosmology and beyond.
Foundations 2023 is being organised in partnership with the Bristol Centre for Science and Philosophy, the British Society for the Philosophy of Science and the Philosophy of Physics Society. The Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science will take place at the University of Bristol from the 5th to the 7th July.
Keynote Speakers: Jim Al-Khalili (Surrey), Patricia Palacios (Salzburg), Sandu Popescu (Bristol)
Call for Contributed Talks and Symposia
We invite submissions for contributed talks on foundational and philosophical issues in any area of physics. Accepted submissions will make a novel significant contribution to the foundations or philosophy of physics that engages with existing work in the field. Talks focusing on experimental physics or the history of physics, with a substantial foundational or philosophical component, are welcome. Please submit an abstract of 300-500 words with 3-5 bibliographic references. Submissions are via Oxford Abstracts*: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/5707/submitter
The deadline is 8 March 2023
We invite proposals for symposia on topics in the foundations or philosophy of physics. Symposia should feature talks that collectively make a novel significant contribution to debates in the foundations or philosophy of physics. Symposia should consist of three or four talks, and consideration should be given to balance in respect of both the perspectives presented and the diversity of the speakers. Please submit an abstract of 100 words together with a PDF attachment of 1200-1500 words consisting of a summary of the topic with 5-10 bibliographic references, short abstracts of each talk, and brief biographical details for each speaker. Submissions are via email*: foundations2023bristol at gmail.com
The deadline is 8 March 2023
Please note: It is permitted to submit a contributed talk and be part of a proposed symposium. However, if both are accepted the contributed talk submission must be withdrawn.
*The earlier easychair submission option has been disabled. Submissions already completed via easychair will be considered and so there is no need to resubmit. Please contact us at foundations2023bristol at gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Local Organising Committee: James Ladyman (Bristol), Tony Short (Bristol), Karim Thébault (Bristol).
Programme Committee Chairs: Samuel C. Fletcher (Minnesota), Eleanor Knox (King's College London).
Programme Committee: Emily Adlam (Western), Dave Baker (Michigan), Eddy Chen (UCSD), Mike Cuffaro (MCMP, LMU Munich), Radin Dardashti (Wuppertal), Richard Dawid (Stockholm), Neil Dewar (Cambridge), Foad Dizaji-Bahmani (Cal State LA), John Dougherty (MCMP, LMU Munich), James Fraser (Wuppertal), Mathias Frisch (Hannover) , Teiko Heinosaari (Jyväskylä), Mario Hubert (AU Cairo), Melissa Jacquart (Cincinnati), Adam Koberinksi (Pittsburgh), Ravi Kunjwal (QuIC, UL Bruxelles), Peter Lewis (Dartmouth), Niels Linnemann (Bremen), Casey McCoy (Yonsei), Tushar Menon (Cambridge/Dianoia), Markus P. Müller (IQOQI) , Wayne Myrvold (Western), Jill North (Rutgers), Matt Pusey (York), James Read (Oxford), Sébastian Rivat (MCMP, LMU Munich), Bryan Roberts (LSE), Mauricio Suarez (Madrid), Nic Teh (Notre Dame), Francesca Vidotto (Western), David Wallace (Pittsburgh), Jim Weatherall (UC Irvine), Charlotte Werndl (Salzburg), Porter Williams (Pittsburgh), Victoria Wright (ICFO)
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