[Kepviselok] Position opening in your area

info at ttkhok.elte.hu info at ttkhok.elte.hu
2011. Júl. 10., V, 07:52:57 CEST


I am a superintendent of Human Resources department of a large international company.

Our company takes an active part in the life of its subsidiaries, for instance: 
- real estate
- founding and abatement of enterprises
- private undertaking service
- etc.

And currently, we are looking for managers in Europe to fulfill certain tasks:
- salary 2.400 EURO + bonus
- part-time job
- flexible working time

If you would like to fill a position of regional manager in Europe send us your contact information: Dale at totaljoblists.net

Attention! We are only looking for European citizens!

Kindly specify your name and telephone number so our manager could be able to contact you and conduct a preliminary interview. 

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